The Helpful REALTOR
Most everyone reading this blog post knows that I’m a full-time real estate agent. What some readers may not know is my passion and drive for helping people. I know, I know that sounds incredibly cliche and scripted- but it’s true! Selling real estate is my career, but helping people is my purpose. Can you tell my undergraduate degree is in Social Work? Ha!
Photo By: Rainwater Photography
So what does that mean for you? Well, when working with me as your REALTOR, you can assume I will go to the ends of the earth for you, your family and your home! You can assume that I’ll surprise you with homemade lasagna- simply because life’s too short to eat takeout every night. I’ll clean out your refrigerator when you move across state and forget the milk & eggs. I’ll make apple cider for open houses and homemade chocolate chip cookies for scheduled showings. I’ll pick up your dog for last minute appointments, and your cat for… well, not your cat… But you get the picture! LOL! My point is, when working with me as your REALTOR, helping you becomes my top priority.