Copper Tile Details
When our clients selected copper tile from The Tile Shop, Chris was ecstatic! This would be his first time laying copper, and he could not wait to get started! I was over-the-top excited to see Chris create something different and unique. I mean, it’s not everyday I get to blog about a shower with copper detail… Let alone TWO showers with copper!? WOW!
Our clients had the brilliant idea of coordinating the hallway bathroom with their master (pictured left). We loved this! Creating a unified look throughout your home helps your home’s resale value. It’s also extremely pleasing to the eye for homeowners and guests! ;)
For the hallway bath, we were able to utilize the existing bathtub! This helped keep the cost down tremendously. Clients also chose to keep the original bathroom floor in both baths. Another great money saving decision! Overall, I’m a huge fan of the copper tile detail but we want to know your thoughts! Check out all the great shots by Sarah E. Dunn Photo & Design below!